A&T Auditores


Tax review and detection of fiscal contingencies

This is work for the analysis of possible tax contingencies, centred on the company relations with the different tax authorities with whose regulations it forcefully has the obligation to comply. These tax authorities are: the state, autonomic and municipal tax administrations.

Our review would include:

State Taxation

  • Correctly filling in of the census obligations.
  • Income tax, regarding different income from work (dependant and professionals), income from investments and real estate.
  • Value Added Tax.
  • Company Tax.
  • Income Tax for Non-residents
  • Information statements, mainly operations with third persons for amounts exceeding 3,006 euros, intra-community operations, contribution corresponding to VAT register books.
  • Intrastat statistics for introduction and issue of goods in the intra-community scope.
  • Other taxes deriving from the special activity developed by the company (special taxes of hydrocarbons, electricity production, insurance activities, etc)

Autonomic Taxation

  • Capital Transfer Tax.
  • Stamp Duty Tax, mainly deriving from Company Operations.

Municipal Taxation

  • Company Tax.
  • Vehicle Excise Duty.
  • Property Tax
  • Tax on the value increase of land of an urban nature.
  • Different municipal rates, mainly for urban waste generation, vehicle entrances, specific ones deriving from exclusive actions, etc.